
What We've Been Learning About...

We have had a very busy last few weeks with swimming lessons, dancing lessons and hot weather! Swimming Lessons We would like to thank all the parents for your organisation and preparation in ensuring the children were ready for swimming each day. There is a lot involved in getting ready for swimming, traveling on the bus and participating in the lessons. The students’ behaviour was exceptional. It was great to see the students’ confidence in the water and their swimming skills develop over the two weeks. Hills Christmas Thank you to all the parents who have donated to the Hills Christmas Appeal. It is wonderful that we are able to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Coming Up There are many activities planned for the last couple of weeks of term. Final Assembly There is a whole school assembly on Friday 13th December.  It is the last assembly for 2019. Dancing and Presentation Party The students have been having a wonderful time, practising their...

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons During Weeks 7 and 8.   Below are some points to help you prepare for swimming lessons. Swimming lessons start this Monday, 25th November . Students attend lessons every day, for 2 weeks ( excluding Friday 29th November due to student free day )  Students must come to school wearing their bathers, underneath their school uniform. Students will return to school and change into their regular school uniform.  ALL items need to be labelled with your child’s name. All students must come to school in their bathers   with school uniform over the top. In a separate named plastic/reusable bag please include your child’s towel, goggles, school shoes and underpants. Leave this bag in your child’s school bag. What students need each day:    Please write your child's name all items .   - towel - thong/flip flops - bathers (under school uniform)  - goggles (optional) - und...

What We've Been Learning About...

  TERM 4 We have had a wonderful and busy start to Term 4. Please keep a regular check on the term planner to ensure you don’t miss any upcoming events. Student Fete Many thanks to all the parents who gave donations towards our fete. We would also like to make special mention and thanks to our parent helpers on the day, Candy, Paul, Sina and Camille, as well as Ms Andersen, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Mortimer. Our Wheel of Chocolate stall was very popular and we had consistent buyers stepping up to try their luck. We managed to make an pleasing profit of $134.00. We have purchased a classic Lego large brick set, 3 Lego base plates and 3 new books.   We look forward to enjoying our purchases! Swimming lessons Swimming lesson notes will be issued shortly. Room 6 will participate in swimming lessons each day during week 7 and 8. Please return all permission slips and money to the class teacher.  A reminder too that Friday of Week 7 is a School Develo...

What We've Been Learning About...

Sports Carnivals 2019 The Kindy/Pre-Primary Sports Tabloid Event in Week 7 was a great success and luckily the weather held off for us. We were very proud of our students and their efforts to participate in the 12 different sports activities.   The points total was tallied and the K/P Carnival Cup was awarded to Orange Faction at the whole school event. A big thank you to all who came to support us on the day.   This year, our whole school carnival was held on Friday 6th September and the Pre-Primary students participated in the march past and flat races.   We have some superstar athletes in the making. Well done to all our students for competing in the running races.   It sure was an exciting day! We’d like to extend our congratulations to Purple Faction for winning the overall event on the day.   Assembly   We are so incredibly proud of all the students from Rooms 6 and 9 for hosting the assembly during Week 9.   It is a big responsibility...
National Quality Standard Introduction The National Quality Standard (NQS) has been formulated by the Australian government. It is used to guide all staff working with children in the early childhood sector. The K-2 team at Wattle Grove Primary School will be exploring and reflecting upon the NQS throughout the year. Each class blog within K-2 will contain a feature article about the NQS. If you would like to find out more information about the NQS, please have a look at the website: Article    As stipulated in the National Quality Standard, all staff focus on the quality of each child’s learning experience. To engage in each lesson and reach their full potential, children must be well rested. I know many children have extracurricular activities they complete, however, some are coming to school tired. Below are some guided mindfulness videos that are beneficial to assisting children to relax and re...

What we've been learning about...

NAIDOC Week July was the month for celebrating NAIDOC.   NAIDOC means National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee.   This year’s NAIDOC theme was Voice, Treaty, Truth.   More information about NAIDOC Week 2019 can be found at Did you know… there are approximately 120 Indigenous languages that are currently spoken around Australia.   The local language spoken in the south west of W.A. is called Noongar.   NAIDOC Week is about celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their culture, their histories and achievements.   This year, Wattle Grove Primary School   celebrated NAIDOC Week collaboratively with the Tucker Bush Schools Program and a variety of buddy class activities.    Two students represented each class and participated in replanting our school garden beds with native, edible plants such as; Native River Mint, Bush Mint, Warrigal Greens and Chocolate Lily to name a few. ...

End of Semester One

School Holidays You may wish to revise some of the following concepts over the holidays to support our learning from Semester One. We wish all our families a safe and enjoyable holiday with their children. The children are on holiday break from Monday 8th July and Term 3 will resume on Tuesday 23rd July. English Handwriting - This term the children have been participating in handwriting lessons, focusing on the formation and positioning of upper and lower case letters. Adjectives - adjectives are words that describe a noun. The children have been adding adjectives to sentences to make them sound more interesting. i.e. The spider was in the web. Add an adjective = The black spider was in the web.    Sight Words - We continue to revise all introduced sight words including reading, Golden, Red, Blue and Green words.   The children are expected to read these words in isolation and are now beginning to rec...