What We've Been Learning About...
We have had a wonderful and busy start to Term 4. Please keep a regular
check on the term planner to ensure you don’t miss any upcoming events.
Student Fete
Many thanks to all the parents who gave donations towards our fete. We
would also like to make special mention and thanks to our parent helpers on the
day, Candy, Paul, Sina and Camille, as well as Ms Andersen, Mrs Johnson and Mrs
Our Wheel of Chocolate stall was very popular and we had consistent
buyers stepping up to try their luck. We managed to make an pleasing profit of
$134.00. We have purchased a classic Lego large brick set, 3 Lego base plates
and 3 new books. We look forward to
enjoying our purchases!
Swimming lessons
Swimming lesson notes will be issued shortly. Room 6 will participate in
swimming lessons each day during week 7 and 8. Please return all permission
slips and money to the class teacher. A reminder too that Friday of Week
7 is a School Development Day (student-free day).
Dancing lessons
The students have all enthusiastically been learning a number of dances.
We are doing so well at remembering the steps and singing along. We can’t wait
to show you our moves at the end of term Dance Party. There will be a note about the Dance Party
closer to the date.
Pre-Service Teacher
This Term we have welcomed Ms Andersen to our class as a Pre-Service
Teacher from ECU. Ms Andersen is in her
2nd year at university and is completing a block prac and is with us in Room 6
from Week 2 to Week 5.
New Students
We have recently welcomed 2 new students to our class, Jai and Arjun. A very warm welcome to Wattle Grove Primary to both of you!
Learning Focus Weeks 1-4
We have now learnt all our final blends and will now begin
furthering our phonics knowledge with exposure to the digraphs th, ch, sh, wh.
Sight word spelling: A number of children have now progressed onto
spelling some known sight words. What an amazing effort! You can support your
child to spell the Golden, Red and Blue words from their Sight Word Folder at
home. In class, we use the Look, Say,
Cover, Write, Check strategy.
Our writing genre this term is narrative. We have started to write our very own narrative
and each week we are focusing on a different element with the support of a
story map. The teachers are all looking forward to reading each child’s
completed narrative story. Narrative writing includes; an opener, a setting
(when and where), characters, a problem, a solution and a conclusion. The next
time you read to your child, see if they can identify these elements of the
Numbers: We have been learning how
to write number words and matching them to the corresponding numeral. We are using thinks boards to show our
knowledge of numbers. A focus this term
has been on developing an understanding of early place value using 10s and 1s
blocks to count up to 20. For example,
14 is a two digit number. We can show 14
as 1 stick of ten and 4 more ones. Our
skip counting skills are coming in handy with these activities! We have also been revising some mental math
strategies such as, counting on from any number, facts of 10 (rainbow facts)
and doubles facts.
Shapes: The students have been
identifying 3D shapes and 2D shapes. We say 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes
are fat. The children have learnt the following 3D shapes; sphere, cube,
rectangular prism and cone.