What We've Been Learning About...

We have had a very busy last few weeks with swimming lessons, dancing lessons and hot weather!

Swimming Lessons
We would like to thank all the parents for your organisation and preparation in ensuring the children were ready for swimming each day. There is a lot involved in getting ready for swimming, traveling on the bus and participating in the lessons. The students’ behaviour was exceptional. It was great to see the students’ confidence in the water and their swimming skills develop over the two weeks.

Hills Christmas
Thank you to all the parents who have donated to the Hills Christmas Appeal. It is wonderful that we are able to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Coming Up
There are many activities planned for the last couple of weeks of term.

Final Assembly
There is a whole school assembly on Friday 13th December.  It is the last assembly for 2019.

Dancing and Presentation Party
The students have been having a wonderful time, practising their dance steps for the numerous dances we will be performing at the dance and presentation party next week. Our Dance and Presentation Party is on Monday the 16th of December at 8.50-9.50. The students may wear party clothes, but please ensure they wear school appropriate shoes. We look forward to celebrating the year with you all by shuffling our feet and tapping toes.

Class End of Year Lunch
We will be having a Class End of Year Lunch on Wednesday 18th of December. We request that you bring a SMALL plate of food to share. We ask that you all place your name on the sheet outside the classroom against either a savoury dish or sweet dish. We will start the party at 12.00. We kindly request those who are bringing hot food, please deliver it to the room at 11.45am already warmed as we are unable to warm food up. Please be aware we have a student with an allergy to nuts and coconut. Please notify us of any dietary requirements. This is a student only event.

Ringing of the Bell
Thursday 19th of December is the last day of school for all students. Wattle Grove Primary School has a wonderful tradition to farewell the graduating students with the Ringing of the Bell. At 2pm the students and parents gather near the undercover area to say goodbye. The staff and students from Kindergarten to Year 5 make an arch in which the graduates descend through.  Once at the end, each Year 6 student rings the old school bell to signify the end of their primary school years.

Final Farewell
As the final term of 2019 comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support and cooperation throughout the year. The journey that each child partakes in is enriched by the collaboration of both home and school. Your ongoing support with home readers, library books, sight words files, spelling folders, fundraising events and much more, all adds to the learning experience. We greatly appreciate your efforts and hope that you are as proud as we are, with the progress your child has made this year.  
It has been a wonderful year filled with many memories of exciting learning opportunities. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our DOTT provider Mrs Moulin for the enthusiasm, passion and knowledge she shares with us. An enormous thank you to Mrs Johnson for her hard work, organisation and thoughtfulness around the classroom. 

Six weeks of holidays is a considerably long time for our littlies and we encourage you to help them retain the knowledge they have acquired this year by practising the essentials.  Revision of the sight words, blends and number facts will help your child be prepared for Year One.

Please encourage your child to write regularly and read every day for enjoyment and to maintain their skills. 

Term One for 2020 begins Monday 3th of February. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

It's been so lovely working with you all.  Stay safe and enjoy the holiday festivities!


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