Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back for Term 2

We hope everyone has had a relaxing holiday and a wonderful Easter.  We are looking forward to getting settled back into our routines and achieving our learning objectives for the term ahead.

The phonics focus in literacy has been the double consonants; ll, ff, ss, zz.  When we read a double consonant, we just say one sound. i.e. hiss h-i-ss.

We have now completed all the 'red' level sight words.  Please help you child to review these at home.  As of Week 2 we are beginning the 'blue' level sight words.   

We are continuing to focus on reading and writing three letter words (CVC) i.e. cat, leg, big
We have also been learning about nouns -  a person, place or thing.  Check out the Noun Town we made!   


This week we have started to learn about volume. We focused on the language of volume including more than, less than, full and empty.  The children have been learning to partition numbers.  We learnt about the different ways of making 4, for example: 3 and 1 make 4, 2 and 2 make 4, 0 and 4 make 4. 

School Events

Mother's Day Stall
Our wonderful P&C are holding their annual Mother's Day Stall until Friday 10th May. The stalls are located outside of the BER learning centre and in the undercover area in the mornings from 8:15am-8:45 am and in the afternoons from 3:05pm-3:35pm. Gifts range from $1 -$7. Raffle tickets are $2 for the chance to win a hamper.

Class Photos
Midland photography has informed us that school photos should be ready for distribution next week.

Dress Fancy Day
A note has come home regarding free dress for Friday 10th May. Children who participate need to bring in a gold coin donation to go towards the Year 6 Graduation Gift to the school.

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