What we've been learning about...

The phonics focus in literacy during Weeks 5 and 6 continues to be initial consonant blends.
A blend is... "two consonants that blend together, you hear both sounds".

We have already taught L Blends:
bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl

And this week we began teaching R Blends:
br, cr, fr,  (Week 6)  dr, tr, pr, dr

We are currently learning the blue set of sight words.

Our Big Write topic for Week 6 is WA Day
Our focus in numeracy currently is on addition number stories up to the value of 5.
An example of this is: if I had 1 blue pencil and 4 red pencils, how many pencils do I have altogether?
Children can then represent this number story with a number bond.
Below is a link for some maths games that could be played at home with your child.

Incursion Permission
Please ensure you have returned the permission slips for your child to attend the upcoming incursions
Constable Care Incursion = Wednesday 5th June, 2019 
RAC Incursion = Monday 10th June, 2019

Concepts addressed include; 

· Safe walking - road crossing, using footpaths and finding a safe route 

· Bike safety - using bike paths, direction signalling

· Road safety - school drop off areas, exiting cars safety, school zones, safe speeds and seatbelts.

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