
Showing posts from December, 2019

What We've Been Learning About...

We have had a very busy last few weeks with swimming lessons, dancing lessons and hot weather! Swimming Lessons We would like to thank all the parents for your organisation and preparation in ensuring the children were ready for swimming each day. There is a lot involved in getting ready for swimming, traveling on the bus and participating in the lessons. The students’ behaviour was exceptional. It was great to see the students’ confidence in the water and their swimming skills develop over the two weeks. Hills Christmas Thank you to all the parents who have donated to the Hills Christmas Appeal. It is wonderful that we are able to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Coming Up There are many activities planned for the last couple of weeks of term. Final Assembly There is a whole school assembly on Friday 13th December.  It is the last assembly for 2019. Dancing and Presentation Party The students have been having a wonderful time, practising their...